Its very interesting when I connect with people who have read some of my work. I receive messages on how much of a positive impact the words had in their lives and many contact me for Life Coaching.
But when they actually meet me, it seems they expect more! I'm thinking, "What, did you expect me to come out in a long robe and a headwrap with crystals under it?..." Sorry to disappoint you! Its just little ol' me
People who are in-tune with the Universe and have dedicated themselves to searching for deeper understanding of those things that exist beyond the physical realm are often stereotyped as being some spaced-out individual with a caldron in their kitchen.
After getting over the initial shock of how "regular" I am, those I encounter actually seem to be quite relieved that we are able to have mind-expanding conversations that promote personal, spiritual and financial growth without having to go through all of the stereotypical hooha.